open the Downloader app
When you run this app for the first time, a set of prompts will appear. Dismiss them until you see the following screen
On this screen, you need to click the URL textbox on the right side (make sure Home option in the left menu is selected) where it says ‘http://’

Go ahead and enter the following path on this window:
Click GO

Give it a minute or two until the IPTV Smarter is downloaded onto your FireStick device

When the download has completed, the Downloader app will run the APK file and the installation will start
Click Install

Installation is concluded with the App installed notification
You may now choose to click OPEN and get started with IPTV Smarters
I recommend choosing DONE so that you may first delete the APK file and save some space on the FireStick storage

If you clicked DONE above, you will be back on the Downloader interface
Click Delete

Again, click Delete

When you run the IPTV Smarters app for the first time, Terms of Use will be the first window. Scroll down and click Accept